Shadows searchin' in the night
[Don't Stop Believin', Journey]
I'm watching myself a bit of Seahawks preseason action. My body ACHES. Too many heavy boxes and stairs and lifting and shoving and hauling and BLECH!!
Seriously, though, I was so exhausted that my whole body was shaking. What is that?? Blech. The good news is that all of my stuff has been brought into my room; I just need to unpack. I'm only about 10% unpacked. My back is KILLING me, so I'm taking a little break to watch some Seahawks preseason action against the Colts. That's nice :)
My throat is raw, and puh-retty sore; my roomie Jenny has a nasty cold and we shared a bed Thursday night so I have a feeling I'm getting sick. NOT GOOD TIMING. I have a TON to do for class, with teacher workdays and various meetings every day, and I have a community dinner at 4:30 and then Freshman Orientation from 6-8 on Tuesday; then Wednesday night a big group of us are going to the Counting Crows / Goo Goo Dolls concert in R@le!gh. I have Thursday night off (thus far) but school starts Friday so it's gonna be a CRAZY week.
Anyway, the 'Hawks look WAY better than they did last week. I love being able to watch my boys! And I love my house, I went swimming in my backyard/lake this afternoon, and thus far the Red Sox are winning (after getting SPANKED by the Yanks in three straight games), the Seahawks are winning at this point (and the starters for both sides are playing so it still actually means something despite being preseason), I get to sleep in my bed in my room tonight, and in general life is just good. The aching back, pain of death in the feet, headache, and sore throat will fade but life is good :)
Yes, yes indeed. Life is good.
Thank you Lord!