Thursday, August 24, 2006

Lookin', tryin' to start something real nice

[Ride Wit' Me, Nelly]

Tomorrow starts round two of my life as a teacher. Year one went pretty well, but I believe that round shall be utterly more awesome.

I met a bunch of my kids at Freshman Orientation on Tuesday and I'm already in love :) They're going to be great, and I am super excited to invest them and teach them. It's going to be awesome.

That's really all I have time to say- I'm still sick and my bed is screaming my name :) Plus, I have to be up (well, am choosing to be up) by 5:45 at the LATEST so I can be to school as close to 6:30 as possible. Gross, I know, but I want to be there early. Then right after school I have to grab some chow with the football team and head off to $0uthern Durh@m for a football game... I probably won't be home until between midnight and one. So it will likely be an 18+ hour day- welcome back to school and 90 hour workweeks, I say! At least I get a $3,000 raise this year :)

I hope everyone is well, and feel more than free to leave some love!